Gift of Coherence


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What we are offering here is energy enhancement and transformation in frequency form. You cannot hear, see, smell or touch this energy it is fed to you at the feeling and cellular level. It is subtle energy in the form of waves, much like sound waves from a CD or MP3 player, and it is used for transformation and personal growth. They are enhancement tools as they take you from wherever you are in your life right now to wherever you wish to be in your future. It also enhances all modalities of who you are, what you do and what you have. You cannot create or destroy energy but you can change its expression. What we like to tell family, friends and clients is that, at worst you will experience a Light energy shower, and at best you may experience a life changing moment or event. Your experience is personal to you and each and everyone experiences energy boosting of some sort or other. You are welcome to try it for yourself and remember to just notice what you notice.